All Writings
In this current world, a common thought process is "you have your truth and I have mine". In other words, there is no absolute truth in the minds of many and God's word is not sovereign. How can one control their feelings so that the word of God remains authoritative?
Keeping the seventh day Sabbath is the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments. For Christians today, has the Sabbath been fulfilled through Jesus, and is Jesus now the Sabbath?
A common notion in the church today is a pre-tribulation rapture that will save God’s people from the Great Tribulation. There will be a rapture, but will it happen in the manner most people believe?
Despite many skeptics’ willful unbelief, the account in Genesis of the global flood was a true historical event that changed the earth entirely. What lessons can we obtain from this event for our fallen world today?
A widespread belief in Christianity is after you pass away, your soul or spirit immediately goes to heaven if you are a believer in Christ or to hell in eternal tormenting for unbelievers. What makes up a soul according to the word of God?
What is the law mentioned throughout scripture? Many believe and teach that Christians are not subject to the law of Moses or even the Ten Commandments. What do the scriptures reveal to us?
Sin is the transgression of the law of God and can present itself through various means. Understanding transgressions against God is crucial to your salvation and maintaining it.
Contrary to popular futurism beliefs, the seven seals described in the book of Revelation are a prophetic timeline of the church's circumstances between the first and second advents of Christ.
A common understanding is that justification is righteousness, or righteousness is justification. Although this thinking applies to most scholars, the word of God sheds light on a different explanation.
Repentance is crucial to be born again in Christ. But what does the word mean according to the word of God, and how does one truly repent? Repentance for God's people is more than what's generally known.
After receiving God’s free gift of salvation, you should notice great changes in your life and how you decide to utilize your time. Otherwise, your conversion may not have been genuine.
Acquiring God’s free gift of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very first step in your new Christian life. As a new follower of Christ, merely acknowledging His death for your sins is only the beginning.