All Writings

Keeping the Sabbath
January 17, 2024

Keeping the seventh day Sabbath is the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments. For Christians today, has the Sabbath been fulfilled through Jesus, and is Jesus now the Sabbath? This writing will explain the true purpose of the seventh-day Sabbath and how it is relevant to us today.

The Rapture
December 17, 2024

A common teaching in the church today is the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture that will save God’s people from the Great Tribulation. There will be a rapture, but will it happen in the manner most people believe? Continue reading for an explanation of the greatest event for God’s people during the second coming of Christ.

The Flood
November 13, 2023

Despite many skeptics’ willful unbelief, the account in Genesis of the global flood was a true historical event that changed the earth entirely. Continue reading to see in detail what happened leading up to the judgment by water and understand the consequences of unrepentant sin.

Is there life after death?
October 28, 2023

A widespread belief in Christianity is after you pass away, your soul or spirit immediately goes to heaven if you are a believer in Christ or to hell in eternal tormenting for unbelievers. Does the Bible support these teachings? Continue reading to find out what a soul truly is according to the Bible, contrary to popular folklore.

The law
October 17, 2023

What is the law mentioned throughout the Bible? Many people believe and teach that Christians are not subject to the law of Moses or even the everlasting Ten Commandments. What does the Bible testify of those beliefs? Continue reading to see the law explained fully and its past and future fulfillment.

What is sin?
October 6, 2023

Sin comes in many different shapes and forms, and many don’t have a clear understanding of what sin exactly is. Understanding transgressions against God to the fullest extent is crucial to your salvation and maintaining it. Continue reading to see the four categories of sin so you know what to avoid in your walk with Christ.

The seven seals
September 20, 2023

Contrary to popular futurism beliefs, the seven seals described in the book of Revelation are a prophetic timeline of events between the first and second advents of Christ. Continue reading for details explaining each seal individually and their significance to the End Times.

Justification vs. righteousness
September 3, 2023

A common belief is that justification is righteousness, or righteousness is justification. Although this understanding applies to most scholars, the Bible explains both separately. Continue reading to see Biblical and modern-day examples that reveal justification is by faith and imparted righteousness is by keeping God’s law.

What is repentance?
August 31, 2023

Repentance is crucial to being born again in Christ. But what does the word mean according to the Bible, and how does one truly repent? Repentance in the Bible for God's people is a comprehensive topic. Continue reading to find out what genuine Biblical repentance is to be born again.

Assurance of your salvation
August 26, 2023

After accepting God’s gift of salvation, you should notice changes in your life and how you decide to utilize your time. Otherwise, you may doubt your salvation, which could mean that you were never saved at all. Continue reading so you could know that you are saved through God's perpetual grace.

How to get saved
August 19, 2023

Accepting God’s gift of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very first step in your new Christian life. As a new believer in Christ, simply acknowledging His death for your sins is only the beginning. Those seeking salvation must be born again by repenting their sinful life to receive the Holy Spirit and be sanctified.